Laser Treatment
Acne Scars
We use Lumenis Resurfx fractional laser, a state of the art, non-ablative skin resurfacing technology to treat acne scars. The laser microbeam heats the deeper layers of the skin to stimulate the production of new collagen and elastic fiber to improve the appearance of the scars.

Signs of Aging
We combine both Resurfx fractional laser and intense pulse light (IPL) for an unique photofractional skin rejuvenation solution – both skin tone and texture are treated sequentially. IPL removes unwanted age spots and broken capillaries. Resurfx laser softens fine lines and wrinkles.

Photo-ready radiant skin everyday: we use IPL to perform photorejuvenation. Filtered light pulses penetrate skin and specifically target pigment and blood vessels. It is a gentle and fast “lunch time” skin treatment with no downtime afterwards.

If you are interested, call us at 718 559-0929 or book an appointment online today.