
臧钟灵医生是美国皮肤病学会认证的皮肤专科医生,美国皮肤病学会的会员。2000年毕业于加州大学伯克利分校分子生物专业。2009年在康奈尔医学院和洛克菲勒大学获得医学、科学双博士学位。之后在耶鲁大学医学院完成了医学实习,并在约翰霍普金医学院完成皮肤专科培训,获得皮肤科专科认证。自2013年至 2020年, 臧医生是康奈尔医学院皮肤科的全职主治医生。2020年, 臧钟灵医生建立了臧钟灵皮肤专科医美中心,现继续担任康奈尔医学院的临床助理教授,参予皮肤科住院医的培训。臧医生在皮肤病学和医美领域拥有丰富的经验,并孜孜不倦地致力于为各种皮肤疾病提供最高标准的诊疗。臧医生曾在纽约地区、美国皮肤病学会的年会、和国际会议上多次应邀授课。她写过各种教科书的章节、媒体文章,并在《自然》、《美国皮肤病学杂志》、《儿科皮肤病学》等专业杂志上发表了多篇学术文章。



Zang JB. Autoimmune vesciculobullous disorders. Dermatology by Moschella and Hurley, 4th edition, 2019.

Zang JB, Jorizzo JL. Chapter 10. Urticaria. Dermatologic signs of systemic disease, 5th edition, 2016.


Zang JB, Coates SJ, Huang J, Vonderheid EC, Cohen BA. Pityriasis lichenoides: Long-term Follow-up study. Pediatr Dermatol. 2018 Mar;35(2):213-219.

Shah K, Tran AN, Magro CM, Zang JB. Treatment of Kimura’s disease with mycophenolate mofetil monotherapy, JAAD Case Reports, 2017 Sep 8;3(5):416-419.

Metterle L, Magro CM, Zang JB. Giant variant of acquired perforating dermatosis in a renal dialysis patient, JAAD Case Reports, 2017 Jan 31;3(1): 42-44.

Stohl LL, Zang JB, Ding W, Manni M, Zhou XK, Granstein RD. Norepinephrine and adenosine-5′-triphosphate synergize in inducing IL-6 production by human dermal microvascular endothelial cells. Cytokine. 2013 Nov;64(2):605-12.

Chi SW, Zang JB, Mele A, Darnell RB. Argonaute HITS-CLIP decodes microRNA-mRNA interaction maps. Nature. 2009 Jul 23; 460(7254):479-86.

Zang JB, Nosyreva ED, Spencer CM, Volk LJ, Musunuru K, Zhong R, Stone EF, Yuva-Paylor LA, Huber KM, Paylor R, Darnell JC, Darnell RB. A mouse model of the human Fragile X syndrome I304N mutation. PLoS Genet. 2009 Dec; 5(12):e1000758.


Rx for your health: Maintaining healthy skin during the summer. Downtown Magazine. 2015.

Soaks in the sun, Not the risks this summer. Downtown Magazine. 2014.


Referral medical dermatology. Autoimmune bullous diseases: Practical updates. American Academy of Dermatology Meeting, March 2019.

Updated approach to patients with selected autoimmune bullous diseases. Dermatology Society of Greater New York’s Young Faculty Night Meeting, December 2018.

Updated approach to patients with selected autoimmune bullous diseases. American Academy of Dermatology Summer Meeting, July 2018.

Referral medical dermatology: Updated approach to patients with selected autoimmune bullous diseases. American Academy of Dermatology Meeting, February 2018.

Therapeutics for pemphigus. Peking Union Medical College, Beijing, China, November, 2017.

Systemic therapies for pemphigus and pemphigoid. 13th Annual Meeting of China Dermatologic Association and National Congress of Cosmetic Dermatology, Suzhou, China, November 2017.

Autoimmune bullous diseases. Weill Cornell. Department of Dermatology Symposium on Medical and Aesthetic Dermatology, September 2017.

Cutaneous lupus and its mimickers. The Mary Kirkland Center for Lupus Care Special Lecture Series, Hospital for Special Surgery, May 2017.

Oral manifestations of autoimmune blistering diseases. Department of Oral Surgery Morning Report, Weill Cornell Medicine, May 2017.

Clinical pearls and treatment updates on autoimmune blistering diseases. 12th Annual Meeting of China Dermatologic Association and National Congress of Cosmetic Dermatology, Xian, China, November 2016.

Referral medical dermatology : Selected autoimmune bullous dermatoses. American Academy of Dermatology Meeting, March 2016.

Everything that blisters. Internal Medicine Noon Conference, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, June 2016.

New insights on rituximab therapy for autoimmune blistering diseases. The New York Academy of Medicine Meeting, September 2014.